Monday, February 20, 2017

Person #37 - Part One

And the most important life lessons I've learned is that no matter how much you take care of yourself and follow the law and be responsible, it doesn't matter. You can still wake up one day and become permanently, chronically, debilitatingly sick. And those who went out getting wasted and doing drugs every night will be as healthy as ever.
And it sucks.
And it's not fair.
And so much for your dreams.
Health is the most important thing in life. If you don't have health, you don't have anything. You can get by without friends, without being rich, anything, really. But if you don't have health then you have nothing.
That stupid saying, "but at least you have your health" is very true.
Don't compromise your health by pushing yourself well beyond your breaking point. Your health is more important than any job, no matter how amazing or well paid it is.
I disagree with the argument to push yourself no matter what "because it's not like it's going to kill you." Well, it actually can. The body can only take so much, and no matter how strong you are, or how often you've pushed yourself past your limits, you WILL reach a point where your body says no more. No, really, no more.
You'll know when "pushing through" becomes "pushing to stay alive" every minute of every day.
Don't keep going.
It's not worth it.
Who cares what your resume looks like if you're too disabled to work. All that money you were so proudly earning will now go towards prescriptions and doctor's visits, instead of whatever you had dreamed.

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