Saturday, April 29, 2017

Person #34 - Part Two

Well I think the most important lesson I've learned it's to live in the present and stop worrying about future.
Be happy with what I have now and learn to enjoy "small and simple" things.
From watching a sunset to feeling the wind in my face. It's some kind of meditation I try to do every day and it actually works for me.

Person #34 - Part One

Also I learned the more grateful I am with what I have and stop wishing and desiring things I don't own yet, I'm happier. There will be always something you can't possess.

Person #33 - Part Two

You learn that success is about working hard, but not rushing.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Person #33 - Part One

Your family is the most important in life, they would be always with you.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Person #32 - Part Two

From bad experiences, there are also positives that come from it. And what happens is often out of our control, but those unintended consequences can have a powerful impact on people we could never have expected.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Person # 32 - Part One

And to answer your question in the limited space I have here: I would say the most important lesson I've learned so far is that everything in life is about a balance. Embracing both sides of a coin, no matter how different each side is.

I feel like you can apply this concept of balance in everything we think and do: you can't just work yourself to death but you can't just sit there and do nothing and be unproductive. I read this somewhere but this also applies: "When you are suffering emotionally, you need critical thinking (intellect) to make life good. On the other hand, when things are stagnant and we see no value in things, we need emotions to drag us out of flatland by bringing color into life."

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Person #31 - Part Two

My mom always played this stupid game where she asked "What could be worse than this?". And the lesson was basically, no matter how bad something feels, you're lucky, you're better off then some, or at the very least, it could ALWAYS be worse.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Person #31 - Part One

At the times when you want to pull your hair out at scream, are usually the times that if you push through, you end up learning the most and walking away with the best experience.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Person #30 - Part Two

My parents instilled the importance of honesty. Your reputation will precede you. You can't achieve much in life if others don't feel they can trust you.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Person #30 - Part One

I think one of the most important lessons that I have learned is to listen more and talk less. I have wasted a lot of time trying to persuade other people of my opinion when I could have instead gained their perspective and deepened my understanding.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Person #29 - Part Two

Most important life lesson someone has passed on to me is to build a story in life. Make your story interesting for the next step in life.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Person #29 - Part One

Is that you can make anything come true as long as you are persistent. Also adding onto that is to let go of humility and really soak up advice from people, gain from their experiences no matter what your opinion is.